North Face Farm:  Antares

MACH ADCH Loup Berger Antares at Quakemaker EA, EAG, EAJ, CGC

22 August 1993 - 23 December 2006
Antares was the Number 1 Belgian Sheepdog (Groenendael) in AKC Agility in 2001 & 2002!!!

Antares came to live with me at 10 months. I discovered agility shortly after her arrival. She lived through some pretty bad training and handling and carried me through. I learned a lot from her. Antares earned her USDAA Agility Dog Champion and her AKC Master Agility Champion.

We danced and oh how she loved to dance.

I gave her cookies and love for trying,

Photo by ©Tien Tran Photography

and buckets of cookies and love when she got it right.

Photo by ©PawPrints Photography

She gave me her heart and soul on every course.

Photo by ©Cindy Ratner